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ecstasy occurs in theta at 3-6 cycles per second and low alpha at 6-8 cps.
This activates the limbic brains serotonergic circuits to the lower brain, resulting
in synchronous brain wave discharges through the nerves linking the hierarchical
strata of the brain. These strongly coherent frequencies synchronize the frontal
areas of the brain, integrating nonverbal information into the frontal cortex—
thus producing insight, intuition and ESP. Telepathy or ESP are accessed in theta
due to increased interhemispheric penetration between the sides of the brain and
hierarchical strata communication via serotonergic nerves. theta wave links us
both into the Earth’s resonant frequency and the deeper layers of the psyche.
Greater synchronization and coherency within the brain makes for “Whole
Brain” thinking. This revelatory chemistry and its higher information flow arises
in hypnognia or Theta wave...through synchronization of the enteric and head
brains via the Schumann resonance. I notice I go into ecstasy and revelatory
chemistry during hurricanes in other parts of the globe and during high pressures
and storms. The stomach’s serotonergic nerves are stimulated producing a bubbly
bliss in the region, and the jaw becomes red hot as kundalini moves through it
as well. Thus we can see that Theta wave will simultaneously relax the jaw and
increase creativity, which it does. This means that Theta wave binaural CD’s such
as Kelly Howell’s Secret meditation should relax the jaw and be useful for people
with TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint). Indeed this CD does relax the jaw and
the solar plexus and stomach; from this we may also deduce that alpha/theta wave
may enhance digestion and prevent ulcers. We see later on in “Biological Relation
to Zero Point” that ingestion of m-state monatomic elements also produces the
“Whole Brain” state of 4 quadrant synchronization in the brain and an increase in
Alpha and Theta wave. So M-state elements could be used as a means of enhancing
creativity, improving digestion and healing TMJ. On occasion an extreme
version of enteric serotonergic activation acts to disrupt digestion by fermenting
the stomach contents, however under more normal less intense circumstances,
digestion would be enhanced by initiation of parasympathetic dominance and the
nitric oxide dilation of the digestive blood supply.
Ecstasy represents heightened coherent communication between the cells
(cellular communion) plus entrainment with the Schumann Resonance of
the Earth (Earth communion). Thus cellular and Earth communion result in
maximizing sense of well-being and intuitive genius—we thus live and express
Earth-soul or Cosmic Consciousness. Shamanic practices tend to produce a
theta wave synchronization across brain systems, which heightens the adaptive-
integrative mode, resulting in higher socioemotional intelligence. Research shows
that drumming induces relaxation, enhanced theta-wave production and brain-
wave synchronization. Serotonin, is crucial to feelings of well-being. Social status
also plays a part in our digestive health and sense of well-being, for there is some
evidence of high serotonin levels in leaders and Type A personalities.
The Pineal Gland is affected by changes in the Earth’s magnetic field thereby
regulating our hormone production. The pineal gland produces the sleep hormone
melatonin in the presence of a negative magnetic field, enhancing deep restorative

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