
(nextflipdebug5) #1

changed its frequency. Each of the carcinogens reacted to the light of a specific
wavelength—380 manometers. Popp was struck by the fact that photorepair
works most efficiently at 380 nm - the same frequency that the cancer-causing
compounds react to and scramble. He theorized that the body must produce light
at this frequency in order to facilitate photo repair. And a cancerous compound
must cause cancer because it permanently blocks this light and scrambles it, thereby
disrupting the photo repair mechanism.
Popp theorized that biophoton emissions allow the superconduction of
information to all parts of the body instantaneously. Cells or cellular systems
organize their mutual distance and orientation by means of the interference pattern
that is created after mutual emission and reemission of coherent biophotons.
He found DNA emits a consistent stream of coherent biophotons in the visible
bandwidth, from infrared to ultra violet, at around 100 units/second. The light
contained in protein and DNA structures must operate like a tuning fork to the
body’s organization and instantaneous communication. It would strike a particular
frequency and certain molecules would follow.
Popp contemplated light in nature, and how photosynthesis in plants must
take up photons and store them. Then when we consume this food the energy
of these photons dissipates and becomes distributed over the entire spectrum of
EM frequencies, from the lowest to the highest. This spectrum of light energy is
the driving force for all the molecules in our body. Photons switch on the body’s
processes like a conductor of a symphony. Popp found that particular molecules in
cells responded to certain frequencies, performing different functions and caused
a variety of frequencies in other molecules by sympathetic resonance. Biological
phenomena like intracellular and intercellular communication, cell growth and
differentiation, interactions among biological systems (like “Gestaltbildung” or
swarming), and microbial infections can be understood in terms of biophotons.
With these biophoton emissions being the one central orchestrator providing
an ideal transfer of information, coordination and communication across the
organism—which only could occur in a holistic system. (reminiscent of Rupert
Sheldrake’s morphogenic fields.)
Popp thought of biophoton emissions as a sort of correction by a living
system of Zero Point Field fluctuations. That living organisms emit photons in a
compensatory gesture to stop this disturbance of ZPE fluctuations and attempt a
sort of “energy equilibrium.” Any disturbance or “nonequilibrium” in the system
increased the production of photons. The healthiest body would have the lowest
light and be closest to a zero state, the most desirable state of maximum energy
efficiency. The body’s communication system is thus a complex network of
resonance and frequency and we become ill when our waves get out of synch. Popp
found that cancer patients had lost their biorhythmic periodacy (circadian) of light
emissions, suggesting that the synchronization of their internal communication
was scrambled. The intensity of “delayed luminescence” of tumor tissue increases
in a nonlinear way with increasing cell population density, while that of normal
tissue, after having arrived at a definite cell mass, decreases with increasing
cell density.

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