
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Consider that life is exactly like surfing waves. There is a charge of life force that
arises with any new exciting event be it meeting a lover, or a Eureka discovery. But
if we fail to ride the energy of that charge we miss the wave and get ground into the
sand. Each time we do this aborted surfing trick we get further and further from
the life we want, and we get less and less excited about every new event. Thus if we
don’t learn to surf properly we become generally apathetic or downright depressed,
so life is like surfing and opportunities are waves. If we do not learn how to handle
the energy of kundalini and use expanded consciousness effectively and creatively,
then it turns on us and we become listless, depressed and dysfunctional. Thus it
becomes obvious that we need to transcend our own and the collective shadow to
reintegrate ego into a higher mode and larger purpose. That is if we don’t pick up
and constructively proceed with the light-sword, it will cut us to pieces. As Diana
Durham said in her great book, The Return of King Arthur, “To ask the question we
have to “dare” to be who we really are—a truly terrifying thought.”
All the empirical investigation and understanding in the world can never
really explain happenstance. Yet spirituality necessitates that our understanding
and maturation keep pace with unfolding reality. Thus we must hold the stance
of willingness to learn, while simultaneously being open to “not knowing.”
I see us progressively moving into an experiential transrational investigation of
manifestation by Games of Spirit. Consciously laid plots of scientific inquiry into
the complexity of human nature and the universe. Thus we will be participating in
the evolution of God, as we investigate Gods existence. Not in an effort to “prove”
but to participate, reveal and cocreate.
Like a hurricane, a tornado, or an ice age, Metamorphosis is an inevitable
universal force that descends upon us from beyond our control and to which there
is very little we can do about to alter its path and effects...unless we establish
knowledge and mastery. It’s not so much where we are on the spiral of development,
it’s the degree of information and contemplation we have given to our experiences
that denotes how we will relate it. Kundalini is a natural phenomena with infinite
perspectives, interpretations, implications, and explanations.

Evolution would have us evolve despite ourselves.

Union of souls
Entwine in divine dance
Galactic syzygy
To be more than either alone
Jointing fuels the heart
The gravity of love
Alchemical fire
Revealing and perfecting
Flowers conscious awakening
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