
(nextflipdebug5) #1

conscious awakening and their rubber banding will be a severe waste of energy for
you at a time when you already have enough to deal with. By rubber banding I
mean the push-pull that goes on in someone who is divided in their being and their
intention, so that they cannot commit to relationship but flip around, one minute
for, one minute against. Push-pull relationships I advise to do it before a kundalini
awakening, or if it starts happening within a relationship while in kundalini, just
get out of the relationship fast. It boils down to whether a relationship is syntropic
and builds autonomy, soul, consciousness, energy and love or if it’s entropic and
interferes with the evolutionary expression of these. Since we are usually already out
of our depth and in crisis during kundalini, engaging in sum-negative relationships
with people who are not up to the task of truly loving us, is perhaps the most
dangerous and damaging thing we can do. For we just waste our time, energy and
spiritual attainment in low-grade human drama. Yet the potential for relationship-
growth during kundalini is never higher because of the exposure, vulnerability and
lifting of repressive prefrontal-lobe controls. The malleable conditions are fertile
for great social breakthrough and authentic intimacy beyond role playing.
To a large degree whether we enter a relationship or not is up to the universe. If
someone turns up in which attraction, communion and purpose are aligned then
we literally HAVE to go with it in order to live in truth. Spirit makes such things
happen, and we must obey spirit or move down the ladder of being. Many of us
are living such fictitious lives however that finding something real between two
people is extremely uncommon...all the more reason why we are obligated toward
a relationship should one arise. But if a relationship is going to interfere with who
we are or where we are going on the soul level then it is best to avoid it. Since there
are very few people who have had awakened kundalini or are presently active, it’s
unlikely that we can pair up with someone based on this criteria. In my experience
it is best to avoid the person who has read all the books, knows the lingo and has a
spiritual practice, but is still deeply in schism, neurosis and narcissism. Instead it is
better to choose one who may have none of the trappings of the spiritual path, but
is united and grounded in their being, with an open heart and forthright energy.
Don’t be distracted by appearances for in the trials of a kundalini crisis we
cannot afford the luxury of draining or twisted relationships. If the non-popped
partner considers him/herself to be a spiritual practitioner then eventually
narcissism, competition and jealousy will likely get the better of them and their
rubberbanding cocoon will snap back into place. Ultimately it takes someone who
is equally ready to open, for the degree of surrender necessary is perhaps absolute,
thus it is the openness or “expansion capacity” of your partner’s heart that is the
crucial factor. Because the supernal energies of kundalini will shake everything
within the couple, the ability for compassionate objective nonreactive witnessing
and shared communication is vital. As is an understanding of the process and
phases of alchemy between the sexes itself. The success of romantic relationship
during a kundalini awakening depends on the interrelationship of the capacity for
“transcendent faith” of the two individuals. The sheer intensity of kundalini forces
us to trust that which is beyond the known. It forces us to surrender to that which

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