
(nextflipdebug5) #1


Since kundalini is the universe becoming more conscious of itself, when the
miracle of metamorphosis happens to us we should learn to go-with it, not just
for our own salvation, but for the entire tree of life. Every time we resort to our
addictions to back down from the raw edge of our existence and full self-response-
ability, the more we interfere and resist the “spiritual” plan for humanity. In
metamorphosis, the body-soul does most of the work, including the transmutation
of elements. All we can really do is to get out of the way and just doing that
takes all our courage, all our intelligence and intuition and all our respect and
love. Evolution just Is. Half the battle would already be won if we just stopping
getting in our own way. To the extent that we choose energy increasing choices
in any situation is the extent to which we “create our soul.” In reference to Jung
now, this means embracing the tension of opposities...the marriage of matter and
spirit, form and Emptiness—the heart of the tantric tradition. Compassionately
embracing shadow and light and the up and the down of the Tao. To take the
brakes off. To stop hiding under our shell of conformity. To stop pretending we
are limited and deficient.
Self-abandonment is the primary trauma that we must learn to “face into”
to avoid abdicating from our own life. All we really want and need is our Self;
that is what we are longing for. TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY for ones condition
needs to really be grokked in order to move into the kind of sovereignty where
self-Self development is even possible. Otherwise everything else in the world
(according to our triggers) determines who we are. Love of course is the opposite
of abandonment. Self-responsibility, that is becoming responsive to Self is none
other than freedom, enlightenment sovereignty and Individuation.
Spiritual realization has a concurrent physical component...this must be fully
understood and “allowed” in order for spiritual substantiation. That is the body
must be allowed to transmute for incarnation to become Real. Our culture tends
to prevent physical spiritualization of the body and thus neither emotion, mind
nor spirit tends to grow. By understanding the changes to the nervous system,
metabolism, hormones and all facets of the bio-physics and chemistry of kundalini
we can work-with the changes to increase our adaptive and homeostatic abilities.
In this way as our life force and incarnation rises we can prepare to meet it, thus
sustain the evolutionary wave. Without conscious meta-adaptation we tend to
grow in fiery spurts that generate burnout and take years of recovery. By being
unskilled at metamorphosis we spending so much of our energy and effort into
coping with the physical, emotional and mental effects of kundalini, that there is
little of us left to bring our true creative gifts of spiritual genius into the world.
Having foreknowledge or insight into this natural metabolic process can save years
of fear, regression, secondary fallout and inertial back stepping.
As with life in general, we can choose to be maladapted or proadapted to
kundalini. It takes more Heart, intelligence and discipline to be proadapted because
often the first impulse to change is to seek comfort, and often the comfort we
choose is to numb-out through various life-negative means. We have free choice so
that even the evolutionary energy of kundalini itself can dumb us down and zonk
us out if we are not aware. Or we can use the metamorphic energy to awaken us

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