
(nextflipdebug5) #1

mantras. Speaking in tongues or foreign languages. Vivid dreams and visions in
transcendental vision, everything luminous scintillating, vibrating both in inner
vision and outer visual field Atom bomb, fire and snake dreams. Temporary loss
of eyesight.

BHaKti YoGa

Love with no object arises. Devotion. Sublime gratitude. Uncommon
compassion and understanding. Tolerance and patience for “What Is.” Enormous
faith accompanies the bliss. Transcendence of reactive patterns, social conditioning
and egoic habits. Intense sexual arousal without provocation. Intensified sexual
and sensual pleasure. Feeling of gaseous bubbles arising from reproductive organs,
champagne pelvis. Feeling of radiating ambrosial bliss, an aura of nectar. Strange
activity and bliss in different areas of the head at different times. Sensations of
blissful honey moving through brain, spine and connecting heart to other parts of
the body. Traveling bliss, or pervasive bliss, rapture. Spontaneous sexual ecstasy
with no stimulation. Multiorgasmic. Increased ESP, precognitive dreams, telepathy.
Bio-location of loved one through heart’s navigation. Alchemical preparation for
future unknown events, ie: translocal transtemporal development. Linear time
transcended. Feeling of entire life reaching a nexus point. Self-remembering, déjà
vu. Heightened senses. Hyper-sensitive. Field of self widens, peripheral awareness
increases. Exquisite awareness of one’s environment and others. Precognitive
biosense of someones immanent arrival, often 2-4 hours ahead of time. Ability to
affect energetic states and promote heart expansion in other humans and animals
via sympathetic resonance. Fragrant smell of roses or peaches eminating from the

Jnana YoGa

Deep questions and answers arise. Spontaneous mystic poetry that writes itself.
Important insights, eurekas. Scientific and creative solutions especially through
dreams. The Herald of the Muse appearing as a sound or voice in the upper
right-brain field prior to the emergence of information. Increased creativity and
expression. Intensified understanding. Finer focus on “the most important thing.”
Compulsive need to write. Psychic ability to open a book at the right page and
go directly to the right sentence for information. Automatic writing. Intellectual
masturbation to a Jnana Yogi is better than sex. Less ego investment in campaigning
and righteous trail blazing as ones true art comes to the fore.
Although they may be overwhelming at times the symptoms of kundalini don’t
mean much other than the body is transforming itself one way or another. It is
what we do with our energy that matters. Spiritual experiences and symptoms are
not important. What is important is spiritual insight—gnosis, understanding and
the growth itself. To stay on track we have to become “muse focused” rather than
“symptom and meaning” focused. Comprehensive sage insight will come about
in time, so don’t get too involved mentally, emotionally, or analytically with what
you’re experiencing. Just let it wash over you, enjoy it and be grateful for the
chance to experience it.

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