
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Polysaccharide found in Aloe Vera both takes the stress of the immune system
by healing the GI tract lining and also directly stimulates immune activity. Use
more of the gel than the whole leaf, which has irritating alkaloids in the green
skin. Many proteins at the cell surface are decorated with carbohydrates such as
L-fucose. Oligosaccharides have been implicated in the strengthening of neural
connections, a process believed to underlie learning and memory. L-fucose plays a
fundamental role in nerve cell communication and long-term memory storage.

Pectin—Adding apple pectin powder to your smoothie will slow down the
sugar uptake as pectin has the ability to regulate blood glucose levels, and has an
anti-inflammatory effect in the bowel. Other attributes of pectin is its ability to
decrease the body’s fat absorption, thus lowering cholesterol levels. It enhances cell
uniformity thus reducing the occurrence of malignancy. Because it contains large
amounts of silicon it helps to return synovial and other connective tissue to their
previously smooth, elastic, lubricated condition. If your digestion is weak then
Pectin/Bromelain Capsules with each complex meal might be good to build up
the mucopolysaccharides and fiber in the digestive system. Citrus pectin capsules
might be particularly good for cancer.

BUcKWHeat GooP—Hulled buckwheat gives off a thick gel after it is soaked
and starts sprouting. I started to drink the goop in my water and to mix it into
my carrot and wheatgrass juice. On doing so I noticed that my own assimilation
capacity strengthened. This leads me to the assumption that this mucigel aids in the
colloidal homogenization of the food in the stomach and intestines and probably
enhances the capacity for the villi to extract large molecules by increasing the
phagocytosis, that is the endocytosis of the leukocytes and the other mechanisms
of assimilation. I am a big fan of using the goop in smoothies and raw soups. Grow
your buckwheat in a colander in the fridge and use filtered water to rinse the seeds,
and save the resulting goop for internal use and for topical use as a skin softener
and hair conditioner. It is also great in the compost or on the garden to improve
the soil grain, moisture holding capacity and mineral uptake of plants. If you live
in a dry region you should eating buckwheat sprouts by the ton and use the goop
to reduce the water demands of your garden.

GlUcomannan—Glucomannan is a dietary fiber, forming a soft gel with
water and is considered a “bulk-forming laxative.” It is the main polysaccharide
obtained from the tubers of the Amorphophallus konjac plant, a member of the
family Araceae. This soluble fiber has a extraordinarily high water holding capacity,
absorbing up to 200 times its weight in water. Of all known dietary fibers, it is the
highest molecular weight, extraordinary water-holding capacity and is the most
viscous. Human pancreatic and salivary amylase cannot split the beta-1,4 linkages,
and hence glucomannan reaches the colon without being broken down and is
then fermented by the intestinal bacteria. Glucomannan lowers cholesterol, lowers
systolic blood pressure. reduces blood sugar, slows glucose absorption, lowers
the Glycemic index and promotes regular bowel movements. A combination of
glucomannan and plant sterols substantially improves plasma LDL cholesterol

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