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anandamide is an eicosanoid, that is it belongs to a group of substances that
are derived from arachidonic acid, including leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and
thromboxanes. Anandamide is basically a compound that reduces activity, such
as reducing the formation of many stimulatory neurotransmitters. The human
brain muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR), which is involved in memory
function is inhibited by arachidonic acid and is also inhibited by anandamides.
Anandamide is not the only THC-like molecule used for signaling in the brain.
Sunlight (radiation) produces free radicals in the body. Sunlight activates an
enzyme that breaks down fats in the skin cells, producing arachidonic acid, a 20-
carbon unsaturated fatty acid derived from cell membrane phospholipids, which is
the chief fatty acid responsible for inflammation. When this fatty acid is attacked
by free radicals, new chemical compounds result, including prostaglandins and
thromboxanes, which promote inflammation that can damage and age healthy cells.
When free radicals damage a cell, they cause inflammation and these arachidonic
acid derived inflammatory molecules accelerate the aging of tissues and contribute
to diseases such as heart attack, asthma, arthritis, colitis, asthma and recurrent
Antioxidants scoop up free radicals, preventing the breakdown of fats in the
cell plasma membrane, and preventing the production of arachidonic acid and
pro-inflammatory chemicals. Thus all antioxidants act as anti-inflammatories.
Since the antioxidant alpha lipoic acid is found naturally in the mitochondria—
the cell respiratory ATP generating centers—it can literally affect whether the cell
functions with greater or lesser metabolic speed. A higher energy level allows the
cell to take in more nutrients, remove wastes, and replace damaged components.
Alpha lipoic therefore counters cellular aging by increasing energy production,
allowing more efficient metabolism, nutrition, detoxification and healing. Dmae
also gives some protection from free radicals and because it prevents the breakdown
of the cell plasma membrane it prevents the production of arachidonic acid and its
consequent inflammation. Ginkgo stops the cascade of arachidonic acid derivatives
without causing harmful side effects—thus Ginkgo should be considered primary
kundalini herb for the duration of your lifetime. The amino acid carnosine
(alanine + histidine) also has profound cell membrane-stabilizing effects. Other
important actions of carnosine include proton buffering, heavy metal chelating,
anti-glycation and even neurotransmitter properties.

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There are two principal Essential fatty Acids: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA,
sometimes called omega-3) and linoleic acid (LA, omega-6). These two fats are
essential because they are used to make the hormone-like eicosanoids, which go
on to regulate a host of other functions in the body. The eicosanoid are cell-
to-cell hormonal messengers produced from essential fatty acids Omega 3 and
Omega 6 by all cells of the body. They have a lifespan of a few seconds and include
prostaglandins thromboxanes, leukotrienes and endocannabinoids.
The most abundant fatty acid in cell membranes is arachidonic acid (AA).
We get it from foods like meat and eggs or indirectly by modifying linoleic acid,

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