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Hormone conJUGation

Sex and stress hormones increase during the kundalini peak so care must be
taken to support their production, and excretion from the body. Then during the
exhaustion phase our hormones and neurotransmitters can become depleted and
receptors resistant, leading to a hypotonic depressive state.
Estrogen is excreted from the body via methylation, glucuronidation and
sulfation. Estrogen that is already “detoxified” can be deconjugated by gut
bacterial and can reticulate (enterohepatic recirculation) from the colon back to
the liver increasing the risk of various cancers. calcium d-glucarate is known to
decrease the amounts of an enzyme that is believed to be associated with certain
cancers— particularly cancers of the breast, colon and prostate. Additionally,
glucaric acid interferes with the reabsorption of estrogen from the gastrointestinal
tract, resulting in more estrogen is eliminated. The cabbage family (cruciferous)
vegetables especially broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and antioxidants like rosemary and
alpha lipoic acid, help to bind the estrogens in a safe pathway so they can be safely
removed from the body. Other substances that prevent genotoxic effects of estrogen
metabolites are: Probiotics, anti-estrogenic phytoestrogen lignans from flaxseed,
seaweed, broccoli, and berries. The bran layer of beans, seeds and grains. Tumeric,
kudzu, alfalfa, clover, Green teas, B Vitamins, Vitamins A, C, E, fenugreek, licorice
root, black cohosh, wild yam, fennel and anise and black cohosh. Green tea helps
to block estrogen at tumor sites.
Beneficial modulation of estrogen metabolism can be accomplished through
dietary and lifestyle modifications such as increasing fiber and reducing fat,
increasing phytoestrogen intake, losing weight, and increasing exercise. In addition,
many nutrients effectively reduce estrogen load by supporting the preferred
pathways of estrogen metabolism and detoxification. These include isoflavones,
indole-3-carbinol, B vitamins, magnesium, limonene, calcium D-glucarate, and
antioxidants. The influences of these nutrients on estrogen metabolism may have
profound significance for diseases and conditions in which estrogen plays a role.
Yucca extract eliminates DHT, a byproduct of testosterone and it is good for
treating Addison’s disease, arthritis and just about everything else.
Plant sterols (phytosterols) are natural phytonutrients and hormone modulators,
found in plants and converted during the normal digestive process into hormones.
Researchers have discovered that phytosterols may help manipulate the hormonal
environment in a favorable way, and by doing so, may help prevent hormone related
cancerous changes in cells. These plant lipid-like compounds are present at low
levels in grains, fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils, and are beneficial in lowering
cholesterol levels. Because cholesterol and phytosterol molecules are similar, the
human body can’t tell the difference. Phytosterols compete with cholesterol for
absorption in the small intestine, however, phytosterols themselves are not absorbed
by the human body. The combination of phytosterols and omega-3 fatty acids and
niacin is a potential strategy to promote cardiovascular health. Saw palmetto has a
high concentration of phytosterols, as does rice bran,

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