
(nextflipdebug5) #1

antibiotic herbs and spices like those listed for candida in the “More Supplement
Suggestions” section at the end of this book will help reduce the fermentation and
toxic load. This condition of kundified digestive system only lasts about a week so
it’s the perfect time to go on a juice fast.
White blood cells have the most enzymes of any cells and if one eats cooked
food leukocytosis occurs. That is white blood cells rush to the digestive system
to protect, clean up and digest the heat-damaged molecules. Thus leukocytosis
takes energy and enzymes away from the metamorphic process and so evolutionary
progress is disrupted by eating heavy cooked food during active kundalini. (Note
that white blood cells leave the blood stream and enter the body only through
veins, not through arteries.)
Stimulating the immune system with every cooked meal means that there is less
cleanup, repair and regeneration going on. Most people’s bodies don’t even clean
up between meals let alone repair and regenerate. But one of the main problems
with cooked food is the radical overworking of the poor liver, kidneys, gall bladder,
pancreas etc... It’s just a lot of extra work for “nothing”—whereas that energy
would have gone into the development of the spiritual body. Raw food however
and especially sprouts provide adequate enzymes to ensure proper digestion while
supporting the metamorphic process itself.
Although adopting a largely raw diet will tend to bring on a kundalini awakening,
converting to such a diet while in the process of an awakening might cause digestive
disruption if a lot of bulky fibrous material is eaten when the digestive system is
not used to such cellulose intake. By use of raw juices, raw soups, wheat grass and
careful use of high antioxidant fruits, we can avoid the problems that chowing
through pounds of vegetables and unsoaked nuts and seeds will inevitably create.
The fact that the digestive system is already compromised by the kundalini itself
means that we have to be twice as mindful and intelligent about our diet.
Adopting a raw diet often brings on a kundalini awakening through the
derepression of vital energy and improved integrity/integration of tissues. Whereas
the cooked diet usually usurps most our energy in the digestion and detoxification
processes, and so we have little energy and materials for repair, optimization and
for building the spiritual-body. When we go raw this suppression is lifted and
nature suddenly brings us up to the speed of our more Universal Self. Since we
often use food as an escape mechanism to reduce the vividness of reality, returning
suddenly to our full physical and spiritual senses can be extremely disorientating. It
can take many years to integrate greater aliveness and to embody our full Presence
and full senses. Because a kundalini awakening is already destabilizing I would not
advise people to suddenly adopt a 100% raw diet during a full-on awakening...the
adjustment would be too great for most people and negative coping mechanisms
or digestive imbalances might result.
Metamorphosis must indeed be the highest energy function in human
experience. Because metamorphosis demands energy and enzymes and because the
body’s elimination channels must be free to enable a high degree of detoxification
during the changes, it is advisable to not weigh the body down with a lot of heavy

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