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Sri Chinmoy, Kundalini: The Mother-Power; Agni Press, 1974
St. Romain, Philip, Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality: A Pathway to Growth and
Healing; Crossroad Pub Co, 1991
Tansley, David V., Radionics and the Subtle Anatomy of Man; The C.W.Daniel Co., Ltd,
Tansley, David V., Subtle Body; Thames and Hudson
Tweedie Irina, Daughter of Fire : A Diary of a Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master; The
Golden Sufi Center, 1995
Villoldo, Alberto & Stanley Krippner, Healing States. A Journey into the World of Spiritual
Healing and Shamanism. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1986
Von Franz, Marie-Louise, Alchemy, An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology,
Inner City Books 1980
Watson, Gay (Editor), et al, The Psychology of Awakening: Buddhism, Science, and Our Day-
To-Day Lives; Weiser Books, 2000
White, John, editor, Kundalini: Evolution and Enlightenment; Paragon House, 1979
Yudelove, Eric Steven, Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy; Llewellyn, 2005

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Awakening Kundalini For Health Energy And Consciousness by Chris Kilham (CD)
Awakening Kundalini by Kelly Howell and Robert Schwimmer (CD) —Ecstatic States of Consciousness Series

  • Maximizing Meditation, Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson (CD Sets)
    The Eight Human Talents: Restore the Balance and Serenity Within You with Kundalini Yoga
    by Gurmukh (DVD)
    Kundalini Yoga: A Journey Thru the Chakras, Ravi Singh and Ana Brett (DVD) —A Walk Through The Presence Process by Michael Brown
    Leonard, George, The Tao of Practice; Video,

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Adyashanti, Emptiness Dancing; Open Gate, 2004
Ardagh, Arjuna, The Translucent Revolution: How People Just Like You are Waking Up and
Changing the World; New World Library, 2005
Berry, Thomas, The Great Work: Our Way into the Future; Harmony, 2000
Bonder, Saniel, Waking Down: Beyond Hypermasculine Dharmas : A Breakthrough Way of
Self-Realization in the Sanctuary of Mutuality; Mt Tam Awakenings, 1998
Cavalli, Ph.D., Thom F., Alchemical Psychology, Old Recipes For Living in a New World;
Tarcher/Putnam, 2002.
La Chapelle, David, Navigating the Tides of Change; New Society, 2001.
———Destiny Lines (CD), Sounds True, 2002
———Engaging Creativity/Riding Change (Cassette)
Church, Dawson & Gendreau, Geralyn, Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves: The Power
of Change Within to Change the World; APC Books, 2005
Davidson, D., Transference as a form of active imagination—In Technique in Jungian Analysis;
M. Fordham et al., eds., Heinemann, 1974.

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