
(nextflipdebug5) #1

During the peak we tend to flip from one mode to its opposite, but after
many years there is not such an obvious flip into contraction after opening, for
you barely notice any descent within the background of permanent ecstasy and
heart expansion. I found that in the latter stages of the alchemy I do not go into
sympathetic drive for crucial scary or stimulating events, but into parasympathetic.
Parasympathetic overdrive involves: grounding, expanded blood vessels, great
weakness in the legs, slowness in moving and the heart feels like it is falling into
the ground. This happens automatically and the state will persist in directly in
relation to the subconscious charge generated by the stimulating or provocative
event or cosmic influences (such as an eclipse, new moon and equinox occurring
This second half of 2007 I am going through mourning heart expansions...
where the heart is dropping into the enteric brain (solar plexus). It is delicious but
laced with deep sadness of helplessness over our current human predicament. In
the evening the expansion lifts to a more of the ecstatic side of the equation. At
night in bed my heart wanted to soar open to new heights, but each time it flexed
the guy downstairs would snore loudly. The opening heart loves whatever is there.
If there is grief, anger or fear there, the expanding heart melts sweetly into that.
The Heart (solar heart expansion) moves down into the solar plexus in the last few
months of the year coming up to winter solstice and the enteric brain tells it like it
is. The emotional solar plexus brain doesn’t confabulate reality as the head can do,
but presents us with the raw reality of our inner existence.
Females tend to get weepy and whiney toward the end of a heart expansion
period. Heart expansions tend to blow your expansion adaptive functioning so
loss of left-brain faculties does produce depression. But there must be some specific
chemistry with the aftermath of excessive heart opening, perhaps to do with serotonin
levels, the loss of dopamine and maybe reduction in norepinephrine...and perhaps
after the long exposure to endorphins (amrita) a tolerance point is reached and the
neuron reuptake mechanism is overwhelmed with neurochemicals which creates
a temporary neurotoxicity. And this produces the lack of brain function and the
whining. Why females whine more than males I don’t know. Males must have
different dopamine wiring, or be more efficient at clearing their brain chemicals.
Or perhaps they don’t have heart expansions to quite the heart rendering level due
to less oxytocin. If large amounts of oxytocin are released during heart expansion,
as it is in childbirth, then any deprivation of cuddling and intimacy is going to
show up as a pretty major depression. I notice the parasympathetically expanded
heart does tie so intimately into the social arm wiring, that it is literally painful not
to hug someone. Or it could be that it is the serum estrogen and testosterone levels
which determine whether one whines after a heart expansion or not. Opening is
hard work, perhaps that is it, perhaps we just don’t like to be opened beyond our
comfort level when our adaptive faculties have gone offline. Anyway the moral
of the story is that to follow your cycles in association with the annual/monthly
moon/sun cycles and prepare for heart expansions. To maintain meta-adaptation
and higher testosterone we need to be cardio-aerobically fit. Then the exhaustive/

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