
(nextflipdebug5) #1


when enough purification had occurred such that the crown pole and the sacral
pole united in what felt like a sword or silver cord penetrating the center of the
spine. It is hard to say how long it lasted for time disappears; yogis work to prolong
the duration of this union. After my short union I felt more my Self and more
alien than I have ever been, and the irises in my eyes were shining bright blue with
an inner light. I have blue irises, which have normally more brown-grey in them.
But during ecstasy or inner-conjunctions there is more light photons coming
through the irises themselves, so they are lit up from the inside...making them
almost iridescent light the spice eyes in the movie Dune. It may be that
the color spectrum of the light that emerges from the eyes may indeed be blue.
The life-energy itself is said to be of a blue hue and ultra violet is given off by
dividing cells.
This peak inner-conjunction was the only one that I had looked in the mirror
within half an hour. It happened on my birthday when I was up the hill in nature,
lying on the ground putting sun-heated rocks on my body. During the previous
5 days I had run through a series of spontaneous chakra voicing poems on the
reconciliation of the sexes—starting at the power chakra (solar plexus) and moving
up the chakras one poem a day. This focus on the reconciliation of the sexes helped
to reconcile the positive/negative, left/right, male/female sides of myself to bring
on the peak inner-conjunction of my lifetime.
The principle charge of energy is experienced as the silver cord or Sutratma.
This main charge has been referred to as Excalibur as well, because it “feels” like a
solid metallic shaft descending into the crown at the same time as massive energy
is pouring up the body and out the top of the head. The body is paralyzed and
the spine stiffened throughout the experience and this paralysis might add to the
sensation of this main charge of energy actually being a solid object. Of all the
metamorphic events it is obvious to the experiencer that the Silver Cord is the
highest or most extreme.
Sutratma, the spiritual umbilical cord, or amrita nadi, begins at the crown
chakra. The Sushumna in the center of the spine is simply the extension of
sutratma. The thickness of the sutratma is said to be just a few centimeter in
diameter and varies in size according to the individual’s obedience to the laws of
the Cosmos. Our life cord connection with the divine is determined our genius
for balancing the pairs of opposites in any transaction in Nature. The fundamental
tone or octave of “love” integrates the various dimensions of matter, mind and
spirit. By strengthening the Qi of the Silver Cord and the consequent generation
of amrita we achieve transcendental wisdom and the genius of the Muse through
“Self-remembering.” After a Silver Cord experience you will feel both the most
alien and the most your Self you have ever been.
As far as I know with kundalini orgastic activity there is no vocalization,
moaning, screaming or cooing in bliss as in normal relational sexual activity.
The word orgasm doesn’t really relate to these full body inner-conjunctions of
absolute bliss, setting the body on fire with ecstasy that is experienced in every cell
of the body. One’s entire body is orgasmic with many times more energy than a
normal orgasm. In fact so much energy one may think the brain is about to fuse

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