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Kundalini, like cell growth, health, intellect and consciousness itself, follows
cosmic cycles whose influences include: oxygen consumption, pH, cell division
rate, senescence rates, membrane fluidity rates and uptake/elimination rates of
cells, precipitation rates of chemical reactions, the propensity to greater or lesser
colloidal suspension, flocculation, growth-rates of pathogens, hormone output
and fertility rates. The solar-lunar impacts on changes of atmospheric ions affect
the polarization of cells and organisms, ionization and ion differential charge,
polarization and firing capacity of nerves, hormonal/neurotransmitter and receptor
changes. Cosmic influences probably also affect the speed and spectrum of protein
and enzyme construction. Free radical and antioxidant changes would factor in all
of this. All these cosmic influences boil down to our subjective experience...such
that we ARE the cosmos.
Humans (and perhaps all animals) have magnetic sensing material in the
ethmoid bone which is located in the sinus close to the pineal and pituitary glands.
The slight rotation of the magnetic crystals in response to external changes in
field is picked up by nerve endings in the area. Robert Becker and Gary Selden
suggest this organ also transmits the biocycle timing cues from the earth’s field
micropulsations to the pineal gland. You might detect a rapid change in field
through the sensation in the area of the sinuses.
Perhaps one of the best texts on electromagnetic effects on life is still The Body
Electric by Robert O. Becker M.D., and Gary Selden. Chapter 14: Breathing With
The Earth covers the earth’s field effect on life. This quote from P.249 is particularly
interesting: “Recently a group under Indian biophysicist Sarada Subrahmanyam
reported that the human EEG not only responded to the micropulsations, but responded
differently depending on which way the subject’s head was facing in relation to the
earth’s field. Oddly enough, however, the head direction had no effect if the subject was
a yogi.”
Presumably the yogi’s stabilized strengthened field is less influenced by the
interference patterns of external fields. This might hint at the difference between a
Yogi and an ordinary person undergoing a kundalini awakening. The Yogis mind
and structure is cohesive, aligned and his autonomic system is consciously directed.
The fact that a yogi is autonomous from the earths EMF probably shows that they
have changed their nerve response to the magnetic crystals in their forehead through
their own amplified brain EMF. The practices of a yogi...the breathing, fasting,
meditation and yoga would build a very different bodymind than the average gym
goer or householder. A yogi would have already cleared inferior cellular structure,
blockage, chemistry imbalances, have a strong neurotransmitter and hormone
profile, superior immune system and antioxidant system, because their bodies are
trained to convey higher energies and consciousness. Brain mapping would show
quite a different brain structure, and nervous system than the person who is not
trained in this way.
Changes in the solar cycle affect our biology and behavior. For example, around
solar max you will find more wars occurring around the world because the increased
solar wind creates more positive ions in the air, which in turn make the blood
and cell environment more acidic. Acidic pH leads to more aggression; that is a

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