
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Phases of Kundalini

Just like everything else in life kundalini cycles through a specific flow of
chemistry. The general periods for a full-on awakening are 2 years priming, 6
month apex, 3 years peak, 5 years recovery, but awakenings come in all shapes
and sizes. The peak-apex of a mature awakening is usually around 6 months, the
awakening itself is usually around 3 years, then the assimilation phase is perhaps
around 5 years. These figures are almost impossible to contrive because everyone
has an awakening specific to themselves. Each stage has its particular sensations,
symptoms, emotions and thoughts. Broadly speaking the following outlines the
linear process. The kundalini process cycles through these phases again and again,
creating a hyperbolic wave of nested cycles.

PriminG—Two or more years of sexual heating, increased creative drive and
muse/PSI—Thyroid, sex hormone activation.

inFlUX—Opening, Grace, ecstasy, electrical. Initial Inner-conjunction, Double
Helix of energy rising around the spine—Sex with Eros, God’s Lightning Bolt.

sHocK—Major septic shock from the nitric oxide of the influx—contraction,
panic, sympathetic/adrenal hyper-activation—White Shock.

transmUtation—Fires, Heart-expansions, grounding, gravity warping.

main inner-conJUnction—Full body orgasmic, massive energy up
spine, paralysis—Silver Cord, Achieving Ones Self.

Die-oFF—Ego inoperable, 3-7 days in bed, feels like body is eating itself,
catabolic breakdown—Dark Night, Death prior to Resurrection.

Heart-Brain sYnc—Mature link; right orbiofrontal-limbic connection
activity and associated heart expansion—Penis on the Brain, brain orgasms.

sUBstantiation—Regrowth, building higher quality tissue, integration,
calm, wholeness, anabolic—Spiritual Will.
All these cycles have to do with the mechanisms of biological transmutation,
but one can talk about it in terms of cell-life duration, homeostatic coping
ability, reserves of resources, physical-mental-emotional blockage and resistance,
conduciveness of ones environment and rest-recovery-repair. The question of
the down-cycle’s relationship to the up-cycle is a big one for kundalini and is
always fascinating to me. The intensity of the up-cycle is usually equivalent to the
intensity of the down. However once we understand the actual neuro-hormonal
chemistry better, we should be able to modulate both extremes. This might make
kundalini awakenings somewhat more functional and adaptable to everyday life.
Conscious navigation of the alchemy will not make awakenings less profound, but
with greater knowledge there will be less resistance, secondary defensive coping
strategies, story and terror, so the whole process should go more smoothly with less
stress and organic damage. Metamorphic chemistry “takes over” our life.
Whether parasympathetic relaxation or sympathetic excitation, these cycles
run on their own accord and demand adherence. But we do have to make sure that

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