Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1
William Jefferson Clinton's Leadership Style

Democrat." Although still highly sensitive and responsive to stimuli
from the political arena, Clinton is now ready to challenge what he
perceives as growing constraints on his role and activities; to push
his agenda, albeit in subtle and strategic ways; and to be prepared to
contain an adversary if he is threatened himself or if his programs are
attacked. He is interested in maintaining his flexibility and maneu-
verability. In the second administration, there is the perception that
these two important characteristics of the political game are being
taken away from him. How to gain them back and be able to show
some movement on his agenda become focal points for him and his

Effects of Audience
The data in table 13.2 suggest that Clinton is much more willing to
challenge constraints in the domestic than the international arena.
His scores on the belief that he can control events and on the need for
power lean high when he is talking to the domestic press; these two
scores are moderate for discussions with the international media.
Given Clinton's lack of experience in foreign policy before taking
office, these differences may reflect his own greater degree of comfort
with domestic than foreign policy issues. As observers have com-
mented, even when Clinton has become involved in foreign policy, it
has been with a domestic orientation. But the domestic center of his
attention has meant that Clinton has been learning foreign policy on
the job and has been only as good at it as the sources and information
at his disposal. He has known where to search for data and people to
help him on the domestic front; he has been less skillful in the inter-
national domain. His scores suggest this willingness to be more reac-
tive and to let others take the leadership in international affairs. As a
result, it is possible to shift the blame when something goes wrong
or to accuse others of making it difficult for him to act.
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