Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Arkansas Democrat, 302n. 8
Aronson, H., 138
Assad, Hafez al-, 205, 338, 358
At-a-distance assessment, 12—14
Audience, 207, 208, 262, 323, 384;
VICS target, 224-25
Aum Supreme Truth, 409
Australia, 73
Authoritarianism, 25
Automobile manufacturers, motive
imagery of, 166
Autonomy, of paranoid personality,
Availability, of information, n, 236
Aziz, Tariq (Iraqi foreign minister),

Baath party, 337, 338, 340, 343, 346
Baker, James, 342, 347, 349
Balkan War, 176
Barber, J. D., 128, 129, 181
Bargaining, 58, 384. See also Interna-
tional relations
Baudry, F., 108
Begin, Menachem, 53-54, 57-59, 76
Behavior: as fact, 115; familiar, 151;
interpreting, 240—43; predicting,
233—35,^2 37~4°> 3°°' presiden-
tial, 106
Behind-the-scenes accounts, 120—21
Belief can control events score, 377,
Beliefs, 22, 80-82, 220-23; assessing,
231—33; Clinton's, 324—28; Hus-
sein's, 387—89, 391; in operational
code, 216-19, 22I>^23 J-33, 3^2 4-
See also Cognition; Motivations
Beria, Lavrenti Pavlovich, 79
Berlin, 28
Bias: analyst, 127; in-group,
199—202, 314, 319
Biography, 40, 49, 55, 115, 118-20,
142; Clinton's, 277—80; Hussein's,

336—37. See also Profile; Psycho-
Bismarck, Otto von, 12
Bluck, S., 28
Blumenthal, Sidney, 121
Blythe, William, 277
Blythe, William Jefferson, 277. See
also Clinton, William Jefferson
Bolshevik operational code, 221
Bonham, G. M., 29
Boundaries, 296, 3Oin. 7
Bradley, Bill, 117, 119
Brazile, Donna, 122
Brewster-Smith, M., 70, 71
Brezhnev, Leonid, 53
British Columbia, 253
Buchanan, Pat, 353
Bullitt, William C, 17, 18-19
Bush, George H. W., 35, 36, 115,
330, 346,347,39^2
Bush, George W., 115, 119

Campaigns, electoral, 181, 262, 298,
Camp David Accords, 351
Camp David profile, 53—61; Begin's,
53-54. 57-59; Carter's, 53-54,
57—59, 6m. 3; impact of, 59-61;
Sadat's, 53—57, 59
Canada, 252, 261-62
Candidates, electoral, 105, 111-12,
117, 161—62, 168-70, 197-99
Carlson, L., 36, 164, 307
Carlyle, Thomas, i
Carnegie Commission on Preventing
Deadly Conflict, 409
Carter, Jimmy, 142, 146, 309; Camp
David profile of, 53—54, 57-59,
6in. 3; motives of, 159, 161; oper-
ational code of, 237, 238-39, 242,
Case studies, value of, 100
Cason, K., 29
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