b o d y p a rt on Monday and We d n e s d a y. In other words, I re a l l y
trained every bodypart on both of those days. For example, I
did chest on Monday and triceps on Wednesday—pressing for
chest also trained my triceps and flat-bench dumbbell presses
with my arms angled into my torso for triceps also trained my
On Friday I did one or two sets of higher reps, around 12, for
key exercises, and I did only one exercise per bodypart —
although there was direct and indirect work for almost every
b o d y p a rt within that day’s routine. For example, I did feet-
forward Smith-machine squats for my hamstrings, but they also
work quads, which I trained directly with the next exercise, leg
p res se s, whi ch a lso h it ha mstr in gs. It m ay soun d a bi t
confusing, but trust me, it works, and you’ll know you’ve given
every muscle the once over (and usually twice-over if you count
the indirect hits). With direct and indirect work on Monday and
Wednesday and a full-body workout on Friday, I was essentially
training every bodypart three days a week. (Steve and Jonathan
Phase 1 Break-in Workout (Four Weeks)
Tuesday and Friday Poundage
Smith-machine squats 1-2 x 10
Leg curls 1-2 x 10
Hyperextensions 1-2 x 10
Standing calf raises 2 x 15
Bench presses 1-2 x 10
Machine flyes 1 x 10
Lateral raises 1-2 x 10
Machine presses 1-2 x 10
Cable rows 1-2 x 10
Pushdowns (optional) 1 x 10
Cable curls (optional) 1 x 10
Ab machine 1-2 x 10