Fat-Burning Diet and Nutrition Guide

(Frankie) #1

f a s t - g rowth fibers unused or understimulated. According to
scientists, that’s an “inhibitory mechanism” your body has to
protect itself, but it’s a bad deal for those seeking more muscle
because it limits results. You can get around it—somewhat—by
doing more sets, but your muscles still balk early on each of
those, so adding lots of sets is very inefficient (X Reps are the
best way around it that we’ve found). Plus, other genetic
deficiencies may cause your gains to crash and burn.
Those genetic shortcomings include not having enough of
the right kind of muscle fibers or enough recovery ability to get
e x t r a o rd i n a ry growth rates. If you’re not gifted in the fast-
growing fast-twitch area, adding muscle to your frame will be
painfully slow. And if you lack the ability to recover from a high
number of straight sets—to get past nervous system failure
l ittle by li ttle, as explain ed above—you r growth may be
nonexistent. Obviously, high volume (lots of sets) is very
i n e fficient, overtraining being unavoidable—unless you use
drugs, which is precisely why so many bodybuilders start using
steroids. (You may be realizing why so many people quit trying!)
The reality is that even with average or even below-average
genetics, you can still build a muscular, defined, eye-popping
physique. You just have to train smarter to partially disarm or
completely derail those limiting factors. You can’t just do lots of
sets on any old routine, as the genetic, drug-enhanced elite do.
You can’t afford to waste all that precious energy because there
will be nothing left for growth. You have to sneak up on the
muscle and clobber it with a few intense, precise sets that hit
as many fibers as possible. And if you can do that andtrigger
more fat-burning at the same time, you’ve really got something
(we’re going to tell you how in a moment). Do that correctly and
soon your muscular, ripped physique will amaze you and
everyone else when you’re at the beach or by the pool.
That’s where X Reps come in. They can make each set three
to five times more effective, which means you don’t need a lot
of sets to get the job done. Helping you leapfrog nerv o u s
system failure is one thing, but they also do something else that

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