Workout 2: Quads, Hams, Gastrocs, Low Back
Hack squats, squats
or leg presses 1-2 x 8-10 _______________________
Leg extensions 1 x 15-20 _______________________
Hack squats, squats
or leg presses (X Reps)* 1 x 8-10 _______________________
Sissy squats or
Smith-machine squats
(X Reps) 1 x 8-10 _______________________
Leg curls 1 x 15-20 _______________________
Smith-machine squats or
leg presses (X Reps) 1 x 8-10 _______________________
Stiff-legged deadlifts 1 x 9 _______________________
Hyperextensions (X Reps) 1 x max _______________________
Leg press calf raises (X Reps) 2 x 20, 15 _______________________
Standing calf raises
(drop set; X Reps) 1 x 12(8) _______________________
Seated calf raises
(drop set; X Reps) 2 x 12(8) _______________________
Low-back machine or
Hyperextensions 1 x 8-12 _______________________
Note: X Reps are power-partial movements added to the end of a set.
Move the weight to just below the middle of the stroke and pulse, doing
short reps in a five-to-10-inch range. If you can’t pulse, hold for a static
contraction at that point till failure.
*Due to a leverage shift, the best X Spot for squats isn’t below the middle
of the stroke. Do your X Reps at a point between the middle and the top
of the stroke.
X-treme Lean High-Definition Workout 2