Figure 4.23 A virtual Fibre Channel adapter for a virtual machine
With the WWPNs available, the next step is in your switch to zone storage to the
WWPNs (both of the WWPNs for each adapter) of the virtual machine and assign to
LUNs on the SAN. When you start a virtual machine with vFCAs assigned but
currently with no storage zoned to those vFCAs, you will notice that the virtual
machine progress stays at 1 percent when starting for 90 seconds. This is because the
vFCA picks an HBA from the virtual SAN to which it is connected and calls the HBA
driver to create a virtual port. The vFCA then looks for at least one LUN to be
accessible before it continues. If no storage is zoned to the vFCA, this LUN check will
not work, and the 90-second time-out has to expire and an event log will be written:
Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-SynthFC-Admin
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-SynthFcVdev
Date: 10/9/2013 2:13:08 PM
Event ID: 32213
Task Category: None
Level: Warning
User: NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\1F2AA062-7677-45C0-86F6-643C33796A9D
'savdalfc01': No LUNs have appeared for Synthetic Fibre Channel HBA
Fibre Channel Adapter (BB50C162-40E7-412B-AB06-B34104CF6D17). The