Figure 6.10 The Service Designer
Once a service is deployed within the VMs And Services workspace in SCVMM, it is
viewed as a single unit in addition to viewing the individual virtual machines that
make up the service. Within the VMs And Services workspace view, you can view the
application settings configured for the service, which helps to identify individual
instances of deployed services.
One of the great features of using a service template is the ability to easily scale out
and scale in as required. Selecting the service within the VMs And Services workspace
will expose a Scale Out action that launches a wizard. You can use the wizard to select
the tier to be scaled out and then specify the degree of the scale-out. Additional VMs
will be created based on the scale properties. To scale in, instances of the VM in the
tier are deleted.
The best way to understand the service templates is to fire up the Service Designer
and start playing with the settings and looking at the options available. Even for basic
services, the use of a service template is likely to make management far easier,
especially when you want to make the service available for end-user deployment with
some deployment time configuration options.