Mastering Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

(Romina) #1

Figure 7. 4 Dynamic quorum in action

With the ability to remove votes from the cluster as nodes fail or are shut down in a
planned manner, it is now possible to go from a 64 - node cluster all the way down to a
single node, known as last man standing, provided the node shutdowns are sequential
and a majority quorum is maintained with simultaneous node removals. It is
important to note that if you remove a large number of nodes from a cluster, it is
unlikely the remaining nodes would be able to run all of the services present in the
cluster unless you had a highly underutilized cluster. Dynamic quorum is enabled by
default, and the recommendation is to leave it enabled. Dynamic quorum is a cluster
property, and if you want to disable it, this is done through PowerShell by setting the
cluster DynamicQuorum property to 0 instead of the default 1 , as in (Get-Cluster)
.DynamicQuorum = 0. Note that as nodes are resumed/fixed and communication is
restored, the nodes votes are restored to the cluster. To summarize the dynamic
quorum scenarios:

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