Mastering Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

(Romina) #1

need to ensure that the requirements for Shared Nothing Live Migration are met:

At  a   minimum,    there   must    be  two Windows Server  2012    or  above   installations
with the Hyper-V role enabled or the free Microsoft Hyper-V Server OS.
Each server must have access to its own location to store virtual machines, which
could be local storage, SAN attached, or an SMB share.
Servers must have the same type of processor or at least the same family of
processor (that is, Intel or AMD) if the Processor Compatibility feature of the
virtual machine is used.
Servers must be part of the same Active Directory domain.
Hosts must be connected by at least a 1Gbps connection (although a separate
private network for the Live Migration traffic is recommended but not necessary),
over which the two servers can communicate. The network adapter used must have
both the Client For Microsoft Networks and File And Printer Sharing For Microsoft
Networks enabled, because these services are used for any storage migrations.
Each Hyper-V server should have the same virtual switches defined with the same
name to avoid errors and manual steps when performing the migration. If a virtual
switch has the same name as that used by a virtual machine being migrated, an
error will be displayed, and the administrator performing the migration will need
to select to which switch on the target Hyper-V server the VM’s network adapter
should connect.
Virtual machines being migrated must not use pass-through storage or shared
VHDX (with Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016).

Earlier, in the section “Windows Server 2012 Live Migration Enhancements,” I
described how to enable and configure Live Migration in the scenario of using Live
Migration with SMB as the storage. It is the same for Shared Nothing Live Migration;
no additional configuration is required.

To perform a Shared Nothing Live Migration, select the Move action for a virtual
machine, and for the move type, select the Move The Virtual Machine option, type the
name of the destination Hyper-V server, and finally choose how the virtual machine
should be moved. For a Shared Nothing Live Migration, you need to select one of the
first two options available: Move the virtual machine’s data to a single location, or
move the virtual machine’s data by selecting where to move the items. The first option
allows you to specify a single location where you want to store the virtual machine’s
configuration, hard disks, and snapshots on the target. The second option allows you
to select a specific location for each of the virtual machine’s items in addition to
selecting which items should be moved. Make your choice, and select the folder on the
destination server. The move operation will start and will take a varying amount of
time, based on the size of the virtual hard disks and memory to move as well as the
rate of change. The move will be completed without any downtime or loss of
connectivity to the virtual machine. This can be seen in a video at the following

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