Figure 7.40 Power Optimization options for a host group
Waking servers is important, because we don’t want to power down servers that are
not needed at a certain time and then be unable to start them up when they are
needed again. A powered-down host is started using the host’s baseboard management
controller (BMC), which needs to be configured per host. If the BMC is not present in
a host or not configured, the host will not be able to be powered off as part of the
Power Optimization process.
In partnership with the SCVMM placement logic and Dynamic Optimization is the
ability to create placement rules that can guide where virtual machines are placed.
SCVMM contains 10 custom properties named Custom1 through Custom10. You can
also create additional custom properties for the various types of SCVMM objects, such
as a virtual machine (VM), a virtual machine template, hosts, host groups, clouds, and