Chapter 8
Hyper-V Replica and Cloud Orchestration
High availability is essential for providing the most resilient infrastructure possible
for a Hyper-V environment in order to ensure the availability of virtual machines.
However, the ability to provide disaster-recovery services to protect against the loss of
an entire site is becoming a high priority for many organizations. Windows Server
2012 introduced a capability to Hyper-V that provides replication from one Hyper-V
server to another, independent of any cluster or storage replication capabilities, and
this has continued to evolve with each new version and can also integrate with Azure.
This chapter covers the options for providing disaster recovery for services in an
organization, and it explains how Hyper-V Replica fits into a complete disaster-
recovery solution. The chapter also presents the options for providing orchestration of
disaster-recovery failover.
In this chapter, you will learn to:
Identify the best options for providing disaster recovery for the various services in
your organization.
Describe the types of failover for Hyper-V Replica.
Explain the automated options for Hyper-V Replica failover