Mongolia in Perspective

(Ben Green) #1
Page | 44


Mongolia attracted an average of 420,000 tourists annually
between 2005 and 2010.235,^236 Most of these visitors are either
from East Asian countries (57% in 2010) or Europe (37%).
Overall, tourism and related businesses generate roughly 10% of
Mongolia’s GDP.^237 Ecotourism and adventure travel make up a
significant portion of Mongolia’s tourism sector. The Mongolian
tourism office estimates that roughly three-quarters of all tourists
are “backpackers.”238,^239 In rural areas, tourist camps are
common, allowing visitors to experience something of the
Mongolian nomadic tradition with a semblance of Western-style

(^235) The World Bank, “International Tourism, Number of Arrivals,” 2011,
(^236) Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, Mongolia, “Discover Mongolia–Official Tourism
Website of Mongolia: Statistic,” 6 April 2011,
(^237) World Travel & Tourism Council, “Mongolia: Key Facts at a Glance,” 2011,
(^238) Michael Kohn, “Destination Mongolia,” in Mongolia, 5th ed. (Footscray, Victoria, Australia: Lonely
Planet Publications, 2008), 55.
(^239) Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, Mongolia, “Discover Mongolia–Official Tourism
Website of Mongolia: Plans to Increase Tourism Revenue,” 6 April 2011,
(^240) Michael Kohn, “Directory: Accommodation,” in Mongolia, 5th ed. (Footscray, Victoria, Australia:
Lonely Planet Publications, 2008), 249.

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