Mongolia in Perspective

(Ben Green) #1
Page | 70

Final Assessment

  1. Even though most of Mongolia is very cold during the winter, snowfall amounts
    are generally light.

  2. Lake Hovsgol is Mongolia’s largest freshwater body of water.

  3. Because Mongolia is not near any plate boundaries, it is not susceptible to large

  4. The city of Erdenet was built to support mining operations in the nearby area.

  5. Mongolia is the world’s largest landlocked country.

  6. Genghis Khan was able to consolidate his power by requiring that top
    administrators and military officials swear allegiance to him, thus weakening their
    clan and tribal affiliations.

  7. After the Qing Dynasty broke apart in 1911, Russia immediately recognized
    Outer Mongolia’s full independence from China.

  8. After Genghis Khan’s death, the Mongol empire was divided between his four
    sons or their heirs.

  9. By the early 16th century, all of modern-day Mongolia was under the control of
    the Manchu Empire.

  10. Protests during late 1989 and early 1990 were unsuccessful in forcing the
    Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) to implement more political

  11. A large part of Mongolia’s recent direct foreign investment has targeted the
    cashmere clothing industry.

  12. Mongolia’s neighbors, Russia and China, are its dominant trading partners.

  13. Mongolia’s most valuable exports are minerals and energy resources.

  14. Mongolia’s cotton textile industry continues to be the nation’s most important
    manufacturing segment.

  15. Rice is the most important food crop grown in Mongolia.

  16. Islam is a minority religion in Mongolia.

  17. The most commonly worn traditional garment of clothing in Mongolia is the del.

  18. The famous Mongolian painting, One Day in Mongolia, was commissioned by
    Genghis Khan to commemorate his accession as leader of the Mongol tribes.

  19. Mongolians used to live in tent-like homes known as gers, but these have been
    almost completely replaced by traditional-style houses.

  20. Within the last 15 years, the ancient game of anklebone shooting has become one
    of the competitions that take place during Naadam.

  21. Because of Mongolia’s isolation, it has become a haven for various terrorist

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