Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
Is wider in females than males
Has a sacral canal (continuation of vertebral canal) that contains cauda equine
Has the following features:
Sacral hiatus (termination of sacral canal) that contains filum terminale
Median crest: fused spinous processes
Paired medial crests: fused articular processes
Paired lateral crests: fused tips of the transverse processes
Sacral corneae that project inferiorly on either side of sacral hiatus
Coccyx (coccygeal vertebrae)
Consist of three to five coccygeal vertebrae, inferior three fuse as coccyx in midlife
Has coccygeal corneae that articulate with sacral corneae
Provides site of attachment for gluteus maximus, coccygeus muscles, and anococcygeal ligament
Is joined to the sacrum by the sacrococcygeal symphysis

Summary of vertebral characteristics

VertebraeDistinctive Features
Cervical Small bodies, large vertebral foramina, foramina in transverse processes, anterior and posterior tubercles, bifid
spinous processes
Thoracic Heart-shaped bodies, long spinous processes angled posteroinferiorly; costal facets for rib articulation on bodies and
transverse processes
Lumbar Large kidney-bean-shaped bodies, sturdy laminae, thick and short spinous processes, mammillary processes on the
posterior surface of the superior articular facets (processes)
Sacral Fused as sacrum, four pairs of dorsal and ventral foramina for nerve exit and triangular sacral canal
CoccygealFused as small triangular bone-the coccyx


[Plate 21, Cervical Vertebrae: Uncovertebral Joints]

page 85
page 86

Intervertebral (IV) discs
Connect articulating surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies
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