Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
[Plate 167, Veins of the Vertebral Column: Vertebral Veins]

Anterior spinal artery
Is a single artery running in ventromedian fissure
Arising from branches of the vertebral arteries (with contributions from the ascending cervical, deep cervical, intercostal, lumbar, and
sacral arteries)
Supplies the anterior two thirds of the spinal cord and vertebral bodies
Posterior spinal arteries
Are paired, longitudinal arteries arising from vertebral or posterior inferior cerebellar arteries
Supply posterior one third of the spinal cord and vertebral bodies
Radicular arteries
Are dorsal and ventral arteries arising from ascending cervical, deep cervical, intercostal, lumbar, and sacral arteries
Supply the nerve roots (called segmental arteries if they reach the anterior or posterior spinal arteries)
Great anterior segmental artery (of Adamkiewicz)
Occurs on the left side in 65% of individuals
Contributes to two thirds of the circulation to the inferior spinal cord
Veins: Usually 3 anterior and 3 posterior longitudinal spinal veins with tributaries from the posterior medullary and radicular veins. They
drain into the valveless vertebral venous plexus.
Vertebral venous plexus is continuous with the cranial dural venous sinuses and contains no valves
Internal vertebral plexus (lying in the extradural space) drains the spinal cord
External vertebral plexus connects with azygos vein, superior and inferior vena cavae

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
page 91
page 92

Sympathetic NS: catabolic system for fight or flight
T1-L2/3 (thoracolumbar) levels
Presynaptic (preganglionic) neurons have cell bodies located in the intermediolateral cell columns of the spinal cord (T1-L2 only)
and utilize acetylcholine (Ach) as their neurotransmitter and synapse in para- or prevertebral ganglia
Postsynaptic (postganglionic) neurons have cell bodies in the paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia
Paravertebral ganglia linked to form right and left sympathetic chains (superior, middle and inferior cervical ganglia, T1-S5, ganglion
Paravertebral ganglia attached to spinal nerves by white (T1-L2) and grey (C1-Co) rami communicantes
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