Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
[Plate 311, Gross Structure of Kidney]

page 162
page 163

Bean-shaped retroperitoneal organs
Remove excess water, salts, products of protein metabolism
Composed of 1 to 4 million nephrons
Structural parts of a nephron
Renal corpuscle
Proximal convoluted tubule
Thin and thick limbs of loop of Henle
Distal convoluted tubule
Collecting ducts
Returns nutrients and necessary salts and chemicals to the blood
Lie on posterior abdominal wall at the level T12-L3
Left kidney lies higher than right because of right lobe of liver
Anatomic relations:
Superoposterior: diaphragm
Inferoposterior: quadratus lumborum
Anterior (right): liver (separated by hepatorenal recess), duodenum and ascending colon
Anterior (left): stomach, spleen, pancreas, jejunum, descending colon
Medial margin (concave) = hilum
Renal artery enters
Renal vein (artery posterior to vein) and renal pelvis (posterior to vessels) exit
Entrance to space within kidney: renal sinus
Anatomical structures of the kidney
Superior and inferior poles
Renal sinus: expansion of proximal end of ureter
Divides into two to three major calices
Each major calyx divides into two to three minor calices
Each minor calyx encircles a renal papilla: apex of renal pyramid
Outer layer of kidney

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