Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
Part that suspends the ovary from the posterior lamina is the mesovarium
Part of broad ligament above the level of the ovary and mesovarium that sweeps over the uterine tubes is the mesosalpinx
Part of broad ligament below the mesovarium or the mesentery of the uterus
Uterine arteries and veins run medially from the internal iliac arteries to the uterus at its base
Encloses the plexus of uterine veins

Ligament of the ovary

Extends from the medial pole of ovary to the lateral wall of the uterus, just beneath the entrance of the uterine tube, on each side
Remnant of proximal part of embryonic gubernaculums

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Round ligament of the uterus

Extends from the lateral wall of the uterus, just beneath the entrance of the uterine tube, to the lateral pelvic wall on each side
Crosses external iliac vessel to enter deep inguinal ring
Passes through inguinal canal to labium majus
Remnant of distal part of embryonic gubernaculums

Suspensory ligament of the ovary

An extension of the broad ligament superiorly on the posterolateral pelvic wall
Covers the ovarian vessels, associated nerves, and lymphatics

Uterine (Fallopian) Tubes

Basic anatomy

Approximately 10 cm long, extending laterally from the uterine horns to the peritoneal cavity near the ovaries
Run in free upper border of broad ligament (mesosalpinx)
Provide a channel for ova from ovary to uterine cavity and site for fertilization
Divided into four parts for descriptive and functional purposes
Horn-shaped distal end
Opens into peritoneal cavity
Has finger-like processes (fimbriae) at distal end that spread over surface of ovary
Widest and longest part
Where fertilization usually occurs
Connects infundibulum and isthmus
Enters uterine horn
Uterine part: passes through the wall of the uterus

Blood supply

Arterial (anastomoses)
Uterine arteries
Ovarian arteries
Venous drainage
Uterine venous plexus
Ovarian veins


To lumbar lymph nodes


Ovarian and uterine plexuses = subdivisions of pelvic plexus

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Basic structure

Ovoid in shape
Approximately 4 cm long and 2 cm wide
Lie in the ovarian fossa on lateral pelvic wall between external and internal iliac vessels
Attached to the broad ligament by mesovarium, which transmits ovarian vessels
Connected to lateral wall by suspensory ligaments of the ovary, containing ovarian vessels, nerves, and lymphatics

Arterial supply

Ovarian artery
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