Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1


Upper Limb: Topographic Anatomy

[Plate 400, Upper Limb]


Clavicle: Subcutaneous; palpable throughout its length
Acromion: Easily palpable, traced medially to acromioclavicular joint (see Section 6-2: Upper Limb: Shoulder and Axilla)
Coracoid process of scapula: Palpable deep and lateral to the deltopectoral triangle
Head of humerus: Palpable deep to deltoid inferior to lateral edge of acromion when arm is rotated
Elbow: Palpable medial and lateral epicondyles of humerus and visible olecranon process of ulna (see Section 6-4: Upper Limb: Elbow
and Forearm)
Head of radius: Palpable as it rotates during pronation and supination on posterolateral aspect of extended elbow, just distal to lateral
Ulnar head: Visible on the medial side of the dorsal aspect of the wrist (see Section 6-5: Upper Limb: Wrist and Hand)
Radial styloid: Palpable in the anatomical snuff box on the lateral side of the wrist
Ulnar styloid: just distal to ulnar head with hand supinated
Pisiform: hard, round structure on anteromedial aspect of wrist
Tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium: Palpable at proximal end of thenar eminence

Muscles and Tendons

Deltoid muscle: Overlies the shoulder giving it a rounded appearance
Biceps: Bulge on anterior aspect of arm
Biceps brachii tendon: Palpable in cubital fossa, lateral to midline with arm flexed
Flexor tendons: Wrist and finger flexors visible distally on ventral aspect of forearm
Extensor tendons: Wrist and finger flexors visible on the dorsum of the hand
Thenar eminence: Muscles at the base of the thumb (see Section 6-5: Upper Limb: Wrist and Hand)
Hypothenar eminence: Muscles at the base of the little finger (see Section 6-5: Upper Limb: Wrist and Hand)
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