[Plate 455, Wrist and Hand: Superficial Radial Dissection]
Wrist (Radiocarpal) Joint
Biaxial synovial joint
Located at a line joining the styloid processes of the radius and ulna
Articulation of distal end of radius and articular disc of radioulnar joint with the proximal row of carpal bones (except the pisiform)
Fibrous capsule surrounds the wrist
From distal ends of radius and ulna to proximal row of carpal bones
Lined by a synovial membrane with numerous folds
Abduction/adduction (radial/ulnar abduction)
Adduction greater than abduction
Dorsal and palmar radiocarpal ligaments from the radius to the two rows of carpals on the palmar and dorsal sides
Ulnar collateral ligament from the ulnar styloid process to the triquetrum
Radial styloid ligament from the radial styloid process to the scaphoid
Blood supply: Branches of the dorsal and palmar carpal arches
Nerve supply
Anterior interosseous branch of median nerve
Posterior interosseous branch of radial nerve
Dorsal and deep branches of ulnar nerve
page 230
page 231
Bones (27)
Carpal bones (bones of the wrist or carpus)
Proximal row: Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform,
Distal row: Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
Metacarpals (5) consist of