Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
Consists of
Lacrimal glands
Lacrimal ducts
Lacrimal canaliculi
Nasolacrimal ducts
Lacrimal gland
Lies in fossa for lacrimal gland in superolateral orbit
Consists of two parts
a. Larger orbital
b. Smaller palpebral
c. Divided by expansion of tendon of levator palpebrae superioris
Twelve lacrimal ducts open from deep surface of gland into superior conjunctival fornix
Secrete lacrimal fluid upon stimulation by parasympathetic secretomotor fibers from CN VII
Lacrimal canaliculi
Drain tears from lacrimal lake at medial angle of eye
Drain to lacrimal sac
Lacrimal sac drains to nasal cavity via nasolacrimal duct

Contents of the Orbit

[Plate 87, Eyeball]

page 52
page 53

Surrounded by fascial sheath (Tenon's capsule)
From optic nerve to junction of cornea and sclera
Forms socket
Pierced by tendons of extraocular muscles
Three layers
Outer fibrous = sclera and cornea
Middle vascular = choroid, ciliary body and iris
Inner pigmented and nervous = retina
Fibrous coat
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