
(John Hannent) #1


This book is dedicated to David Lee Roach.

Author’s Acknowledgments

I want to thank acquisitions editor Katie Feltman for her thoughtful and help-
ful advice. I’ve worked with Katie before, and she knows her stuff. I was also
lucky to have two strong editors improve this book. Project editor Linda
Morris asks the right questions, makes lots of good suggestions, and overall
stands in as a representative of the reader. She requests clarification when
necessary, and ensures that the reader will find consistent, useful informa-
tion. She deserves credit for her taste and the high quality of her editing.

The technical editor, Vanessa Williams, reviewed the entire manuscript for
technical quality. For that I thank her. I’m happy to report that she found few
flaws in the programming code, but I’m certainly glad to have an opportunity
to fix the few flaws she did spot. Vanessa also suggested alternative CSS tech-
niques and additional resources, deepening the technical information avail-
able in the book.

To these, and all the other good people at Wiley who contributed to the book,
my thanks for the time and care they took to ensure quality every step along
the way to publication.

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