Internal Medicine

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0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

972 Menstrual Cycle Disorders for the Generalist

■Find changes that allow greater control over their lives: changes in
diet, exercise, work, recreation
■Isolate specific symptoms, treat with specific therapy: fluid retention
with diuretic therapy, dysmenorrhea with prostaglandin synthesis
inhibitors, calcium supplementation
specific therapy
■Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
■Alprazolam (benzodiazepine) occasionally effective but highly
■GnRH agonists and/or Danazol
■Oral or IM contraceptives

Side Effects
■SSRIs: dry mouth, tremor, dizziness, somnolence, headaches, con-
stipation, nausea, sweating, insomnia, dyspepsia, libido changes
(decrease, delayed ejaculation, anorgasmia, impotence), abnormal
dreams, weight gain, seizures, anxiety, blurred vision, hyponatremia
■Contraceptives: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, bloating,
breakthrough bleeding, altered menstrual flow, breast tenderness,
edema, headaches, weight changes, rash, ache, thromboembolism,
myocardial infarction, hypertension, hepatic adenoma, stroke,
dizziness, increased risk of depression
GnRH agonists: hot flashes, osteoporosis
Danazol: hirsutism, acne
■SSRIs: MAO inhibitor use, seizure disorder
■Oral contraceptives: migraine with aura, pregnancy, undiagnosed
vaginal bleeding, breast, endometrial or hepatic cancer, throm-
boembolic disorders, smokers >35 y, CAD, CVD

Special Situations
■Menstrual headache:
➣Association with menses in 60% of women with migraine
➣Menstrual migraines typically without aura
➣Further evaluation needed for acute onset of severe headache
pain, unremitting headaches, vomiting headaches, vision
➣Menstrually related migraines: oral and SC sumatriptan
➣Oral contraceptives
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