Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

Mitral Stenosis (MS) 995
No significant MR
No significant calcifications in MV leaflets
Only mild leaflet thickening
Miminal subvalvular apparatus involvement
No thrombus in left atrium
➣(Surgical MV replacement indicated, if any one of above not


complications and prognosis
■Percutaneous balloon valvotomy
Systemic emboli 4–8% (thrombus or calcified debris)
Severe MR requiring immediate MV replacement 2–3% (Care-
ful selection using TEE data is essential to avoid this compli-
Left to right atrial shunt (usually small, non-significant)
LV perforation resulting in cardiac tamponade 2–4%
Excellent long-term results in younger patients, without atrial
fibrillation, and careful selection by TEE (see above criteria)-
5% restenosis at 32 months follow-up
■Surgical replacement of mitral valve
Complications associated with cardiopulmonary bypass
Bleeding due to warfarin therapy
Malfunction of mechanical or bioprosthetic mitral valve

■Slow progression from Class II to Class III/IV over 5–10 years
■Class III and IV medical treatment survival worse versus interven-
tional or surgical groups
■Overall prognosis good in surgical and interventional groups unless
severe right heart failure present
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