Internal Medicine

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0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:17

Myeloma and Gammopathies 1035

■Involved field: (45–50 Gy) for solitary plasmacytoma; 30 Gy for palli-
■Total body irradiation: component of preparative regimen for trans-

■Quantitative immunoglobulins and quantitation of M protein (with
alternate cycles of therapy and every 3 months thereafter)
■Complete blood count, differential, platelets
■BUN, creatinine, calcium
■Bone survey annually or for symptoms
■Bone marrow biopsy as clinically indicated

Maintenance Therapy
■Steroids: every other day prednisone modestly prolongs progression
free survival after conventional therapy
■Interferon: slight prolongation of progression-free, but not overall,
survival; multiple adverse sequelae

complications and prognosis
■Complete response: Disappearance of monoclonal protein and plas-
macytomas, <5% bone marrow plasma cells, and no increase in size
and number of bone lesions for at least 6 weeks
■Partial response:≥50% reduction in serum monoclonal protein,
reduction in 24 hour urinary light chain excretion by either >90%
or to <200 mg/24 h, >50% reduction in size of plasmacytomas, and
no increase in size or number of lytic lesions for at least 6 weeks
■Minimal response:≥25% to≤49% reduction in serum monoclonal
protein, 50 to 89% reduction in 24 h light chain excretion (which
still exceeds 200 mg/d), 25 to 49% reduction in size of plasmacy-
tomas, and no increase in size or number of lytic lestions for at least
6 weeks
■No change: not meeting criteria for minimal or partial response
■Disease progression: reappearance of monoclonal protein; a sus-
tained > 25% rise in monoclonal protein in serum or urine; develop-
ment of new sites of lytic disease or hypercalcemia

Salvage Therapy for Progressive Disease
■Repeat primary conventional dose therapy (if relapse at >6 months)
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