Internal Medicine

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0521779407-16 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

Other Cardiomyopathies 1113

➣Chest X-ray: enlarged heart, pulmonary congestion (dilated);
mild cardiomegaly (hypertrophic); normal to mild cardiomegaly
➣Echocardiogram: LV dilation and reduced function (dilated);
LVH, asymmetric septal hypertrophy, apical hypertrophy, sys-
tolic anterior motion of mitral valve leaflet, diastolic dysfunc-
tion, possible dynamic outflow tract obstruction (hypertrophic);
small or normal LV size, in amyloid- scintillating appearance of
myocardium (restrictive)
➣Cardiac Catheterization: LV dilation and dysfunction, high fill-
ing pressures, low cardiac output (dilated); hypercontractile LV,
dynamic outflow tract obstruction (hypertrophic); normal or
mildly reduced LV function, high diastolic pressures, square root
sign (restrictive)
■Other Tests as Appropriate
➣Biopsy (fat pad, rectal. gingival, etc) with immunohistochemical
staining for amyloidosis
➣Myocardial biopsy
➣Other tests for specific underlying etiologies (i.e. serum iron and
ferritin for hemochromatosis)

differential diagnosis
■Dilated cardiomyopathy: idiopathic, alcoholic, myocarditides,
familial, post-partum, cobalt; also arrhythmogenic right ventricu-
lar hypertrophy
■Hypertrophic: Hereditary (some forms autosomal dominant with
incomplete penetrance)
■Restrictive: Amyloidosis, endomyocardial fibrosis, inherited disor-
ders (Fabry disease, Gaucher disease, hemochromatosis, glycogen
storage diseases), sarcoidosis

What to Do First
■Assess underlying etiology and distinguish type of cardiomyopathy

General Measures
■Remove possible toxins and toxic exposures (i.e. cease cocaine, alco-

specific therapy
■Dilated cardiomyopathy: as per CHF
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