Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-17 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

1152 Peptic Ulcer Disease

■Physical findings of malignant ulcer:
➣weight loss
➣abdominal mass

Specific Diagnostic Tests
■Upper GI barium study

Indirect Tests
■H. pyloriantibody, urea breath tests, fecal antigen tests
differential diagnosis
■Nonulcer dyspepsia (diagnosis made by negative imaging study)
■Gastroesophageal reflux (diagnosis made by endoscopy, pH study,
response to empirical trial of therapy, etc.)
■Cholelithiasis (diagnosis made by ultrasound or CT imaging)
■Gastroparesis (diagnosis made by nuclear medicine gastric emptying
* Gastric neoplasia (diagnosis made by endoscopy or barium radiogra-

What To Do First
■Should I empirically treat for an ulcer or make a definitive diagnosis
by specific testing?
➣This is a philosophical issue and should be decided in conjunc-
tion with the patient’s needs.
■If I decide to empirically treat, do I use an anti-secretory agent or
anti-Helicobacter pyloritherapy?
➣Both are acceptable approaches, but a response to either therapy
does not exclude nonulcer dyspepsia, GERD or malignancy.
■If I decide to do a diagnostic test, should it beH. pyloritesting or
evaluating for an ulcer with endoscopy or a barium UGI study?
■Endoscopy vs. barium UGI
➣Endoscopy is:
more accurate than an UGI
allows for biopsy to exclude malignancy or diagnoseHelicobac-
ter pylori
can diagnose esophagitis
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