Internal Medicine

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0521779407-17 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:19

Purine and Pyrimidine Disorders 1255

General Measures
■referral to biochemical genetics center
■adjust or avoid nephrotoxic medications (HPRT, APRT, XDH defs.,
PRPS superactivity)
■high fluid intake (HPRT, APRT, XDH, UMPS defs., PRPS superactivity)
■treat intercurrent infection (ADA, PNP defs.)
■irradiated blood products (ADA, PNP defs.)
■hearing testing (PRPS superactivity)

specific therapy
■indicated for all symptomatic patients

Treatment Options
■HPRT deficiency: allopurinol, physical restraint, teeth removal,
mouth guard, behavioral therapy for self-injurious behavior, phar-
macotherapy (e.g., risperidone, gabapentin)
■APRT deficiency: allopurinol, low purine diet, avoid alkali, renal
■PRPS superactivity: allopurinol
■XDH deficiency: low purine diet
■ADA deficiency: bone marrow transplantation, polyethylene glycol
(PEG) ADA, gene therapy in clinical trials
■UMPS deficiency: uridine supplementation

Side Effects & Contraindications
■allopurinol may cause xanthine stone formation in HPRT deficiency
■decrease dose of allopurinol in renal failure
■severe graft-versus-host disease may occur in ADA, PNP deficiencies
if non-irradiated blood products used
■patients with DHPD and DHPA deficiencies should not be given 5-
fluorouracil (extremely toxic)

■close monitoring of renal function (HPRT, APRT, XDH defs., PRPS
■periodic hearing testing (PRPS superactivity)
■genetic counseling
complications and prognosis
■HPRT deficiency: death secondary to renal failure, aspiration pneu-
monia in adolescence
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