Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-18 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 8:1

1266 Raynaud’s Syndrome

➣Almost always cold-induced

Signs & Symptoms
■Examination usually normal
■Fingertip ulceration seen in secondary Raynaud’s
■Decreased pulses at wrist suggestive of vasculitis, atherosclerosis or
other diagnosis
■Symptoms usually cannot be reproduced by immersion in cold water
■Capillary refill delayed after Allen’s test

■Sedimentation rate and antinuclear antibody to determine collagen
vascular disease

Specific Diagnostic Tests
■Noninvasive vascular tests
➣Doppler ultrasound to exclude large vessel disease
➣Digital artery pressures
➣Decreased pressures at rest
proximal obstruction
secondary Raynaud’s or other cause
➣Decreased pressures with cold
➣Consistent with either primary or secondary Raynaud’s
➣Used to determine etiology if noninvasive studies suggest proxi-
mal obstruction
➣Differentiates atherosclerosis from vasculitis
➣Intra-arterial vasodilators illustrate vasospastic component of
differential diagnosis
■Livido reticularis
➣Asymptomatic irregular patchy purple discoloration of skin in
fishnet pattern
➣May be superimposed on Raynaud’s
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