Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-18 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 8:1

Renal Masses and Tumors 1287

Type IV Cyst
■Solid enhancing elements associated with cystic elements
■Incidence of malignancy 70–100%

Solid Renal Masses
■Solid renal tumors should be presumed malignant until surgical
pathology demonstrates otherwise
■Percutaneous biopsy of solid renal neoplasms is rarely appropriate,
and should be limited to cases in which the renal lesion is suspected
to be a metastasis from another site. Consider formal urologic con-
sultation prior to such biopsy.
Solid Renal Tumors
Renal Pseudotumors
■Hypertrophied Column of Bertin
➣Functional renal parenchyma
➣Distinguished from renal neoplasm by functional radioisotope
study demonstrating normal uptake/excretion of tracer
Benign Neoplasm
■Oncocytoma (3–7% of solid renal tumors)
➣Note: 15–30% of oncocytomas may occur in conjunction with
Renal Cell CA
■Juxtaglomerular tumors
Primary Malignant Neoplasm
■Renal Cell Carcinoma (85% of solid renal neoplasms)
■Transitional Cell Carcinoma/Urothelial Carcinoma (8% of renal
Secondary Malignant Neoplasm
■Retroperitoneal sarcoma
■Pancreatic carcinoma, colon carcinoma (direct extension)
■Lung, breast, GI (hematogenous spread)
■Lymphoma, leukemia

■RCC is primarily a surgical disease
■Non-surgical treatments are of limited efficacy at present
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