Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-19 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:21

Sarcoidosis 1321

General Measures
■Assess extent & severity of organ involvement, whether disease stable
or likely to progress & need for treatment

specific therapy
■Controversial: many patients undergo remission without specific
■Mild & focal disease (eg, skin lesions, anterior uveitis, cough) may
respond to topical steroid therapy
■Systemic disease:
➣Absolute indications: cardiac or neurosarcoid, eye disease not
responding to topical therapy, hypercalcemia
➣No treatment necessary: asymptomatic stage 0, I or II disease
with no objective signs of pulmonary impairment
➣Less well-defined indications: severe symptoms in any organ,
progression of symptoms or worsening pulmonary function

Treatment Options for Systemic Disease
■Treatment of choice: oral prednisone
➣Most pts require minimal effective dose steroid therapy for sev-
eral mo, then slow taper to maintenance dose over 6 mo
➣After clinical response, alternate-day therapy is an option to
decrease side effects
➣Total length of therapy approx 12 mo
➣Some pts require long-term therapy or increased doses due to
■Second-line therapy: methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclophospha-
mide, cyclosporine & chloroquine (specialty referral recommended)
➣Used when oral steroid Rx contraindicated ineffective or as a
steroid-sparing measure

Side Effects
■Prednisone: weight gain, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, cushingoid
syndrome, cataracts, avascular necrosis of the hip, peptic ulcer dis-
ease, skin fragility, myopathy
■Cyclophosphamide (bladder toxicity) & azathioprine; hematologic,
carcinogenic, teratogenic
■Methotrexate: liver & lung toxicity, mucositis, teratogenic
■Chloroquine: retinal toxicity
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