Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-19 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:21

Scabies 1323

■children with involvement of head, face, and scalp
➣crusted (Norwegian) scabies in immunocompromised, debili-
tated patients, or patients with neurologic disease
increased number of mites

Basic Microscopic Tests
■skin scrapings or curettage of burrows or papules
■glass slide with drop of mineral oil and cover slip
■specimen examined under low power
■identification of mites, eggs, or fecal pellet

■identification of mites, eggs, or feces
differential diagnosis
■any pruritic dermatosis – atopic dermatitis, papular urticaria, insect
bites, dermatitis herpetiformis
General Measures
■treat all close symptomatic contacts
■launder all linens in hot water
■treat pruritus symptomatically with antihistamines
■symptoms may take 4–5 weeks to resolve after appropriate treatment

specific therapy
Treatment Options
■permethrin 5% cream
➣entire cutaneous surface neck down (immunocompetent)
➣entire surface of body with scalp and face (immunosuppressed)
➣apply evening, wash off in AM
➣repeat 1 week
➣most effective topical treatment
■lindane 1% cream, lotion, or shampoo (Kwell)
➣apply for 8 hours, then wash off
➣entire cutaneous surface with scalp and face for immunosup-
pressed, without scalp and face for immunocompetent patients
➣repeat in 1 week
➣CNS side effects
■sulfur ointment 6–10%
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