Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-19 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:21

Scleroderma 1329

■Bloating & emesis due to intestinal paresis, wide-mouthed colonic
diverticula, malabsorption due to intestinal bacterial overgrowth
■Dyspnea from isolated pulmonary hypertension (CREST syndrome),
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, alveolitis, heart failure due to myocar-
dial fibrosis
■Chest pain & angina (myocardial infarctions w/o coronary artery
disease), pericarditis w/arrhythmias & effusions
■Hypertension, mild proteinuria, scleroderma renal crisis
■Numbness due to neuropathies, facial pain & numbness due to tri-
geminal neuralgia

Basic Tests
■Assess end-organ involvement through CBC, serum creatinine, uri-

Specific Diagnostic Tests
■Antinuclear antibody (ANA) positive in >85%, typically nucleolar pat-
tern. Specificities included antibodies against topoisomerase Scl-70,
centromere, RNA polymerases I & III, fibrillarin, nucleolus organizer
region protein. Sensitivity approx. 20–40%, specificity 95+%.
■Anticentromere ANAs w/CREST syndrome
■Anti-ribonucleoprotein w/diffuse & limited scleroderma

Other Tests as Appropriate
■Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) including lung volumes & diffusing
capacity, possibly high-resolution CT scan to detect inflammatory
alveolitis (ground-glass appearance)

differential diagnosis
■Raynaud’s phenomenon alone, due to exposures listed above, or
w/SLE or other inflammatory rheumatic disease
■Finger contractures w/longstanding poorly controlled diabetes

What to Do First
■Check blood pressure & obtain blood tests for end-organ involve-
■Teach pt about potentially serious but treatable hypertension, lung
& GI problems
■Consult rheumatologist
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