Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-19 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:21

Sinusitis 1353

■Nasal swab inadequate; swab of purulent drainage taken on endo-
scopic exam or from maxillary sinus puncture needed
■Culture from maxillary sinus puncture

Other Tests
■Allergy testing may be needed as indicated by symptoms

differential diagnosis
■Allergy exacerbation
■Cystic fibrosis (should be tested in all children with nasal polyps)
■Sampter’s triad (nasal polyps, athsma, asprin sensitivity)
■Kartagener’s (immotile cilia) syndrome (chronic sinusitis, bron-
chiectasis, situs inversus)
■Facial pain syndrome (eg, tic doloureaux,)
■Headache syndrome (eg, cluster, migrane, tension headache, tem-
peromandibular joint syndrome)
■Dental origin (periapical or other abscess, pain of other dental origin)
■Wegener’s granulomatosis
■Facial cellulitis (rare)
■Nasal papilloma (eg, inverting papilloma)
■Neoplasm (nasopharyngeal cancer, maxillary sinus cancer, lym-
phoma, benign tumor)
■Foreign body
specific therapy
Treatment Options
■Acute Sinusitis
➣Adjunctive care only for viral causes mitigated by intensity or
persistence for >5 days
➣If bacterial cause suspected, add antibiotic
➣Antibiotics for 10–14 days (strep, H. Flu, M. Cat, Staph)
➣Immunocompromised patients may have other infectious
agents including fungus
➣First line: Amoxicillin, trimeth/sulfa, erythromycin, and others
➣Second line: Amoxicillin/clavulanate, cefaroxime, clarithro-
mycin, azithromycin, clindamycin, levofloxacin, gatifloxacin,
and others
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