Internal Medicine

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0521779407-19 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 6, 2007 17:50

Syphilis 1397

■Clinical manifestations, serologic tests, and response to therapy may
be atypical in HIV-infected patients
■Indications for CSF evaluation
➣Neurologic or ophthalmologic signs or symptoms
➣Evidence of tertiary disease (gummas, cardiovascular)
➣Early syphilis treatment failure
➣HIV infection with late latent (>1 yr) or disease of unknown dura-
■Some experts recommend CSF examination in all HIV-infected
■Report case to local public health authorities and refer sexual part-
ners for evaluation and treatment

specific therapy
■Sexual partner of infected contact within past 3 months
■Positive darkfield examination or direct fluorescent antibody test
■Positive serologic tests:
➣Newly positive non-treponemal and/or treponemal test
➣Four-fold increase in non-treponemal serologic titer
■Neurosyphilis: no single test is diagnostic
➣Positive CSF VDRL
➣>5 WBCs/mm3 in CSF
➣Elevated protein

Treatment Options
Primary, Secondary, and Early Latent Syphilis and Epidemiologic treat-
■Benzathine penicillin (PCN) IM in single dose
■PCN allergic: Doxycycline orally OR Tetracycline orally
Late Latent Syphilis (>1 year duration) and Tertiary (gumma, cardio-
■Benzathine PCN IM weekly× 3
■PCN allergic (consider CSF examination before using alternative
drugs): Doxycycline orally OR Tetracycline

■Aqueous crystalline PCN G
■OR (for compliant patients only) Procaine PCN IM daily, for 10–14
days PLUS Probenecid orally for 10–14 days
■PCN allergic: skin test and desensitize to PCN
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