Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-19 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 6, 2007 17:50

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 1401

General Measures
■prophylaxis regarding sun exposure
■birth control or estrogen replacement
■treat hypertension aggressively
■control hyperlipidemia

specific therapy
■Conservative Management
➣arthritis/arthralga and myalgia: acetaminophen, NSAIDs, hydro-
xychloroquine, low-dose corticosteroids if quality of life impaired
■cutaneous lupus:
➣sunscreens, topical corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine,
➣dapsone, etretinate for resistant rashes
➣often due to comorbid fibromyalgia
➣may requires oral corticosteroids
➣NSAIDs or low-moderate dose corticosteroids
➣alternative to low-dose corticosteroids: methotrexate
■Aggressive Management
➣initial therapy of severe organ system involvement:
prednisone for 6–8 wks with gradual tapering
for diffuse proliferative GN, or for other life-threatening dis-
ease, e.g. severe pneumonitis, vasculitis, and CNS lupus:
■IV cyclophosphamide repeated monthly for 6 months and then every
3 months for 18–24 months, with escalation unless WBC is <1500;
optional initial pulse methylprednisolone
■monitor WBC at 10 and 14 d post cyclophosphamide treatment,
adjusting dose to keep nadir WBC >1500
■alternative 1: mycophenolate mofetil (500 mg BID escalating to max.
3 gm/d) for minimum of two years, then taper; optional initial pulse
■alternative 2: azathioprine (1–3 mg/kg/d); optional initial pulse
■alternative 3: IV pulse methylprednisolone (7 mg/kg) daily×3 d, then
repeated monthly for 6 months

Special Situations
■Arterial or venous thrombosis (manifestation of antiphospholipid
syndrome): warfarin to keep INR 3–3.5, low-dose aspirin, avoid estro-
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